Key Earth Science Links
Choose a topic from the list below. For each topic, the best key links were chosen by our educational staff. Each of the key links is annotated to provide you with a quick summary of the types of information or activities that can be found at the link, to aid you in your search for information.
- Age Dating
- Air Photos and Images from Space
- Atmosphere
- Biological and Paleontological Classification of Life
- Carbon Cycle
- Carbon storage (sequestration)
- Caves (Speleology)
- Coal
- Continental Drift
- Dinosaurs
- Dinosaur Extinction
- Earth History
- Earthquakes
- Electricity
- Energy and Fuels
- Environmental Science
- Evolution
- Evolution-Hominids
- Fossils
- Geologic Time Scales
- Geomorphology
- Global Climate Change
- Groundwater, Porosity, and Permeability
- Karst (sinkholes, caves, chemical weathering)
- Landscapes
- Maps (Topographic and Geologic)
- Mass Extinctions
- Meteor Impact Sites
- Natural Hazards
- Oceanography
- Oil and Natural Gas
- Phylogenetic Systematics
- Plate tectonics
- Remote Sensing and Satellite Images
- Rocks and Minerals
- Soils
- Solar energy
- Solar system
- Space Science
- Speleology (Caves)
- Tectonic Plates Through Time
- Topography and Elevation (highest points)
- Volcanoes
- Water Cycle
- Weather