Natural Hazards Web Sites

Federal Emergency Management Agency. Contains information on current natural disasters in the United States, new reports, current weather warnings.

FEMA for Kids. Offers tips, games, puzzles, and quizzes for children that explain natural disasters, how to prepare for disasters, what to do in an emergency, has interviews with children that have lived through disasters, and lets children become certified Disaster Action Kids. This site also provides excellent resources for parents and teachers, including an on-line library with FEMA maps, brochures, other publications, and web links.

United States Geological Survey’s Hazards Page. Provides information on earthquakes, floods, landslides, wildlife diseases, geomagnetism, wildfires, volcanoes, coastal storms and tsunamis, more than 40 fact sheets about various aspects of these topics, open-file reports on natural hazards, and links to other hazards sites.

National Weather Service. Provides natural hazards statistics, an annual natural disaster map, publications and hazards awareness material, and educational resources links.

Relief Web. A project of the United Nations Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs, which provides information on ongoing and recent natural disasters around the world, listed by location and year, with hundreds of maps and photographs.

NASA Disasters Program. The Disasters Applications area promotes the use of Earth observations to improve prediction of, preparation for, response to, and recovery from natural and technological disasters. Disaster applications and applied research on natural hazards support emergency preparedness leaders in developing mitigation approaches, such as early warning systems, and providing information and maps to disaster response and recovery teams.


Last Modified on 2023-01-05
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