UK Postal Services

UK Postal Services: FAQ

Should the words University of Kentucky appear in the return address on all professional mail pieces leaving UK?
Absolutely! It's always best practice to have the words University of Kentucky in the return address. "UK" means everything to us on campus and in the state, but to someone across the country in might mean United Kingdom. And besides, we need to proud of the fact that we work or attend the University of Kentucky.

How much is a 49 cent stamp?
Don't laugh, we're asked this question every day. The cost of a 49 cent stamp is 49 cents. You can purchase a book of 20 stamps for $9.80.

How can a department purchase stamps?
Payment request-myUK

Who do I contact and what location do I visit if looking for a letter/package?
Julie Day at 257-9899 or Kevin Keeling at 257-7370. Distribution Center is located at 845 Angliana Ave.

How can I pay for my stamps & packages?
With cash, check, MasterCard or visa card.

Where can I find a bulk mail job request form?
On our website or the UK forms page.

Where are we located?
21A Whitehall Classroom Bldg. or 63 UK Medical Center.

How often is campus mail delivered?
Once a day, Monday thru Friday.